Technology Portfolio



Portfolio Categories

i. course assessments

ii. AT background, knowledge, information

iii. product flyers and catalog excerpts

iv. standards or guidelines from your professional organization regarding assistive technology skills

v. informative websites, videos, or print materials that would be useful resources for colleagues and parents



     Technology is growing. When I was in school we had computer labs and keyboarding, but that didn't even prepare me for what technology is today and that was only 13 years ago. I have had to do extensive trainings and lots of learning on my own to keep up with the age of technology. The past decade technology has advanced so much. We must prepare are students for the future. Integrating technology in classroom not only helps prepare them for that, but also gives them opportunities for the world of research at their fingertips as well as one on one needed intervention through educational programs and software that many students need.

    Those with disabilities now have the option of using AT devices in the classroom to help support their need for learning. Without the advancement of technology that would not be possible. Assistive Technology can help students communicate, hear, read, and write as well as many other functions those with disabilities were not able to do before the advancement of assisted technology. It has opened up a whole new world of possibilities for those who did not have them before. Our world will continue to advance in technology, and it is our job as educators to support the use of technology in the classroom as well as show the effectiveness it can provide in all areas of life.